Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > 2 y.o. Beardie

2 y.o. Beardie

22 14:38:07

QUESTION: So we picked up Helga/Jambalina.  The kids are having a hard time settling on a name.  I'm leaning toward BAL (Big A** Lizzard).  She did not bite my husband but was pretty unhappy about the move.  Two Questions:  1.  She sits with her mouth slightly open.  What does that mean?  2.  What do you do when she skitters off.... Just keep your hand in there?  I of course jump which I am sure is not right.  We are off to get fresh crickets.  She ate 1 blueberry that I sat on her branch.  I am going to pick up some kale and parsley.  Anything else you can think of?
Thanks for being my life-line.  She scares me and it's nice to have someone to ask for help.

ANSWER: Hello Stephanie,

Great you got your girl today!  Let her settle in.  
If she has her mouth slightly open when she is basking then she is partially gaping, which means she is releasing heat.  Can she close her mouth completely?  
You can let her run around on the floor as long as everything is beardie proofed!  
Feed most collard & mustard greens, & kale only a few times a week due to the oxalate content.  Go to  They have a good nutrition chart on there.  
How are the temps for her today?  Oh don't let her scare you!  LOL


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She does close her mouth.  We put crickets in her tank.  She gobbled about 13 or 14 large.  Is this too much.  They hadn't given her any for about a week.  She is not very lady like in the process.... very fun to watch.  I need to get the thermometer that you recommend.  The glass one we have says she is almost to the 90's which I figure under the light might be close to 100F.  We let her roam on our laminate floor.  Besides some burnouts she did great.  WE EVEN GAVE HER A BATH.  We have pet her and my husband held her (gloves on).  NO BITE!!!!!  Your advice gave me the courage and it looks like this is going to work out great!!!!!

Hello Stephanie,

Great that she can close her mouth.  I was just concerned about metabolic bone issues, but I guess it is not an issue.  
No they really tear up their food whether they are a girl or a boy.  LOL
So she enjoyed running on the linoleum then, sliding around & all?  It is entertaining to watch them isn't it?
Did she like her bath?  Your hubby put gloves on he was that scared?  Oh the big ole mean beardie girl!!  LOL  Great she didn't bite though.  I think you two will do just great.
As far as the eating goes, since she is an adult, you can feed her roughly 40 or so crickets weekly & that should be sufficient along with greens & veggies, daily.
Let me know how things go!
