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trying to clear something up

22 14:09:42


i recently bought a bearded dragon it was a private sale when we pick him up the seller told us he had him for a few years and he wouldn't get any bigger than what he was at the moment which if that is true was the opposite i have heard i was told many times they get to bet upwards of 2 ft long as i hope you can see in this picture he is not even close anyway i later called the seller to get and exact time and he said he got him for his 12 birthday and he was now 18 so it had to be 6 - 6 1/2 years old i find it hard to believe i was trying to find some information and came across info about the rankin bearded dragons and that there size and color is really the only difference between the two species i was wondering if maybe i was sold a rankin and the seller just didn't know the difference i hope the picture is good enough if not i got more just let me know thank you so much in advance

Hello Tabitha,

So your dragon is at least 6 years old?  
No at 18 inches he is not a Rankins dragon.  They only get maybe 10 or 12 inches max.  
Some morphs such as the German Giants can get up to 2 feet long, but, the average normal bearded dragon gets 16-20 inches.  
He is a very nice looking dragon, for a 6 year old though.  So, he will not grow anymore, he is finished growing.  
