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Reptile Compatibility

22 13:51:47

What i want to do is create on big tank with a waterfall and one or two small ponds and food dishes, with all kinds of plants and decorations...  BUT what I need to know is will the reptiles all get along?  I want to include about 3 small green lizards. a couple of green tree frogs and a couple other kind of smaller frogs... maybe even a couple fish of some kind.  Possibly a chameleon if i can..  whatever i can fit in comfortably.  Can you help me decide which reptiles would have possible conflicts or if they would live together happily??  Thank You

Hi Travis,
You really can't house different species together for many reasons...  one of the reasons is their care needs...some require high humidity,some low, some require high uvb, others low amounts of uvb, some no uvb.  Some require  high basking temperatures which can kill other species..and some species need lower temperatures which are dangerous to other species. Then you take in to consideration that some lizards will eat other species... Also, a big reason is that many species carry  diseases  that to their own species are not a problem, but are deadly to other species.
Most species tolerate(barely) their own species and to place them with other species would be extremely stressful to all of them.
Most reptiles really prefer to be alone..they don't like company. Here is a very good link for you to read more about the dangers of housing species and does give you a few ideas of frogs that can be housed together.
When they say large habitat....they mean extremely huge.