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Bearded dragon with salmonella

22 14:15:36

I just found out from our vet that our beardy has salmonella. We are treating him with medicine that was provided.  I am concerned wether i should keep him or not.  I have a seven year old daughter, our apartment is small and i don't have anywhere to clean/wash his tank and dishes, other than the bathroom.  We have had him for only two months and she's a few months old.  What do you recommend i do?

 That dragon had to be really loaded with the bacteria, probably from the pet shop he came from, or the vet is not an exotics specialist.  Many animals have salmonella, including reptiles and birds.  As long as he gets a baby warm bath every two weeks and his home is kept very clean, he should be fine, and just tell your daughter no kissing him, and to wash her hands after holding him.