Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > i think my baby iguan is sick

i think my baby iguan is sick

22 14:46:39

This is my first pet i had it for 31/2 months and recently i noticed one of its legs looked bigger than the others today i noticed its nose was white and it appear to look smaller than usually what do i do now??????????

You followed absolutely none of my instructions for how to ask such a question, but since the life of an Iguana is in the balance I will tell you the obvious answer. That is, of course, that you need to get it to a vet. It sounds like an infection based on the poor and limited information that you have provided. If it's not treated, the Iguana will lose a leg at best, and if tissue necrosis is not halted through systemic antibiotics, it will die.

I really don't understand why you had to ask that question. You know you need to take it to a vet, and if you can't afford it, then you need to give it up to someone who can afford the proper care. Iguanas are long lived reptiles, and many can live several decades. Most people kill them in a few months, or a few short years, and it sounds like you are starting out on the wrong foot already at 3 1/2 months.

An Iguana is NOT a suitable reptile for a beginner, and they have exacting and demanding care requirements. If you have less than 10 years of reptile experience, you probably should not have an Iguana. Those are just the breaks, coming from someone with 20 years of experience with turtles, lizards of all kinds, and venomous snakes. You need and Anole or a Gecko if you are a beginner.