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Broken Tail

22 11:52:27

Broken Tail!
Broken Tail!  
I have a female Mountain Horned Dragon. When I was finished cleaning the cage I was putting her back in when she jumped from my hand and hit the bottom of the tank kinda hard. A ring of white showed up on her tail, and just today it fell off! She dosent seem to be in pain..I used a q-tip and some neosporen so it wouldent get infected. Is this ok to do? The bleeding has stopped and she never once twitched when I was dabbing the neosporen on. How long will take for the wound to heal? Is there maybe a sign that it is healed? I just feel so bad about what happend..and she looks kinda funny now lol. Also should I keep putting neosporen on the wound or is once enough?
Thank you so much in advanced. The picture is kinda bad but you can see the broken part if that help.

Just keep it clean from debris etc and I think it should be fine. If you see redness or something like that I would take it the vet immediately. It usually takes a few months to completely heal as long as it scabs over etc I wouldn't forsee any issues.