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Multiple lizards

22 14:43:53


Godzilla and baby
I currently have 2 CWD. One is about 14 months and is growing fine. He is about 7 inches snout to vent. I recently (September 10 2007) a new CWD. I do not know the sex and it is about 4 inches snout to vent. They both get along well. And by that I mean they dont bother each other. They have never fought. My cage is 670 gallons, 6ft tall by 4ft wide, by 1.5ft deep. They don't cross paths that much but when they do my baby dragon plays dead or runs away. Godzilla doesnt do anything. Is there anyway I can make baby no afraid of Godzilla?

Oh hey Jonnie_03, I saw your post about this but didn't get a chance to put any input in. I converted the size and I came up with 240 gallons. Which is still good but I don't see that size being 670. I am not sure how you can make them get along but with dogs you need to make the more dominant one (in your case being Godzilla) submit. Put Junior back on to Godzilla and use your finger and gently push down Godzilla's head. Make sure he stays down. Another way is to take them both out and put them both in their own containers (with air of course) then take EVERYTHING out of the enclosure clean it PERFECTLY! Wipe the inside really good and then when you put everything back move it around as much as possible make it seem like it is a brand new enclosure. Then put Baby in first and let him be for a good 30 minutes or so (still having Godzilla in a diff container) then after Baby explores a bit and gets familiar with the enclosure by himself then introduce Godzilla. The problem is they are very different in size. Godzilla is automatically dominant. It was his home first and he is bigger. Not to mention he is male. So when you introduce Godzilla watch the new behavior. Let me know how it goes. Good luck