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Herp compatibility

22 14:35:50

Hello, I have a leopard gecko. She is almost 1 year old and is currently in a 46 gallon bowfront aquarium. Recently my g/f just bought 2-golden geckos and a bearded dragon. The breeder said the two were compatible so currently the bearded dragon and the goldens are housed together. My question is: are either of those compatible with my leopard gecko? Since she is in the larger enclosure it would be nice to house one or all of the others in the same enclosure. Thank you.

Hi Brian, Oh, dear. I can hardly think of two species that would be more incompatible then golden geckoes and a bearded dragon. If the "breeder" told you this I would reassess any of the other care info you were given by them as well. Interesting to note that  pet store employees don't hold a complete monopoly on the giving out of bad advice.
Golden geckoes are native to the warm, humid rain forests of South East Asia while bearded dragons inhabit the arid scrubland of Australia. Housing them together means that at least one of them is living in conditions that are entirely unsuitable to them.

I'm not against community tanks in principle but fairly strict criteria must be met and only certain species make good candidates for shared tanks. I'm afraid that none of your current species really meet those criteria due to their environmental needs, size and temperament.