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Leoprad gecko - leg swollen

22 14:26:39

We have 4 leopard geckos. An almost adult male and female, 2 yrs old appx. A juvenile/sub adult male / female. The large male bit the smaller female's front leg. The skin ripped and bled some. I removed the gecko and put neosporin in the wound. The leg is now swollen and she can't support herself well. It has been 1 day since the injury. What can we do to help it? Thank You.

Hello Mark,

Wow, the male bit the female?  Are you sure that she is a female & not a male?  That is not very common that the male will bite the female.  
How large is the tank you are housing them in?  Were they fighting over food?
That is about all you can do, is use some diluted betadine to keep it clean, then, the ointment on a daily basis.  
If the swelling does not go down, she may need an antibiotic if it gets infected.  Try soaking her in warm water, daily, to see if that will help out any.  
Poor thing.  Let me know how she is doing.
