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22 14:15:11

I have a one year old leopard gecko she is very healthy and seems happy her tank has a cool side in the high 70 to low 80 and a hot area of about 88-92 she has a cave on the cool side and a cave on the hot side and another cave in the middle where i put moss inside for her shedding.  I have carpet under tank heaters a over head heater  and a UV light which i put on light for 12 hours and totally dark for 12 hours.  My lizzy has regular exams and she has a very fat tail she is the only one i have in the tank.  Well she has not been eating for a month and im not sure can she lay eggs without a male.  Her vet unfortunately moved out of stat and im having a hard time finding another one i wanted to know if this was possible and if i should get her a male.  I don't want her to fight would you recommend adding another leopard gecko male??  And can she lay eggs without a male???

Hi Michelle,
Leos can lay eggs without being bred... but of course the eggs won't be fertile. Not all leos lay eggs w/o being bred.You really have no need to get a male as you run into problems there with constant breeding, which can be very stressful. Leos are very content living alone... If she has eggs, you can see them in her stomach on the will see white ovals.
Many times they do go off food for a few days, or even a few weeks. I would have her checked for internal parasites.  You can try offering some wax worms, but only a few as they are not a good staple food and can cause fatty liver disease.  You can also try offering some baby food chicken to her...just touch it to her mouth and she should lick at it.
Here are some links to finding a vet.
Your temperatures look great as does your other things you mention!!!!  Good job!!
To find a qualified vet in your area you can go to has some info on leos that have seasonal anorexia.