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Blackthroat monitor skin condition

22 13:28:24

I have a wild caught blackthroat monitor. His skin on his head, neck, and back turned dark and began to shed what appears to be through the dermis. This isn't a normal shed, the tissue under the shedding scale is white and without scales. I am hopeful to find out what is going on with him, and how to treat him. I can take a few picture and send them if needed. Thanks

Hello Eric,

Oh no, I am sorry to hear about your black throat monitor.  A wild caught really?  Where are you located, the US or other country?
Yes, most definitely please send pictures as soon as possible.  
It could be fungal I suppose.  How long have you had him?
Can you get some Thermazene which is a Silver cream used topically for severe skin conditions?  You can purchase it on Amazon.  
You might be able to find small tubes of Silver cream at a drug store without a prescription where the antibiotic ointments are.
Let me know how he is doing.  Is he eating anything right now?
