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bearded dragon supplies

22 14:47:35

Hello i am buying a baby bearded dragon next week I have most of teh supplies but was wondering what else i should have i'm going shopping this evening but am not sure whatelse I need could you please review my list and see if I need anything more?

Ten gallon tank with wire lid to begin with will upgrade to 40 gallon Breeder later on

Heat lamp and bulb

Uvb lamp and bulb 10.0

Undertank heat desert exo terra

Water dish

Vitmains/mineral dusts

Spray bottle

Newspaper for flooring

Large not swollowable(1-2 inch) rocks for decoration/tracktion for now

And tank & critter keepers for bugs

Temprature gage

also would you know how long it takes for silkworm eggs to hatch I will be buying some shortly as well.  

 If you go to and click on dragons, you'll see a list of subjects down the left side of the page.  Click on New Owner's Inventory List.  This will give you the most complete list of exactly what your dragon will need.
 The 10 gallon tank is too small even for a baby dragon.  You can get away with a 20 gallon for a few months.  You can use the ten with a bit of shelf liner as his feeding bin so you don't have to worry about rogue crickets in his home, coming out at night and chewing on him.  leave off the undertank heater and use that only in winter if the room he's in goes under 60F at night.
 The temperature gauge should be a digital and not an analog or any sort of stick-on.
 Silkworms will hatch within a couple of weeks unless they are in the fridge.