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22 14:32:58

I have two leopard Gecko's, One is a patternless male blizzard who is about 9 and the other is a normal female about 2 or three.
Not too long ago I found what looked like a weird egg in their tank((the tank is shared between the two). I looked at the egg thing with a light to see if I could see anything and I could so I broke it open and it was just a nasty cloudy liquid that smelled really bad.
That was the last time something like that happened. But now she's have the same cloudy liquid come out when she goes to the bathroom. Also her tail is starting to get skinny and I think that's why. I can't find anything that sounds like what she has.

Hi Megan, you need to take her to the ASAP it sounds like she has become egg bound. This is very serious and needs immediate attention. If she had nowhere to lay her eggs then she will keep them inside. The eggs will grow and eventually break open while inside of her. And as you can imagine this is extremely serious. Get her to the vet as soon as you can.
I hope she is ok, and gets better soon,
Best of luck to you and your gecko