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Quality of life for my dragon-Elvis

22 11:49:37

Sadly my question is in regards to quality of life.

I just got back my bearded dragon, Elvis, who I have had since I was 19,I rescued him from an abusive breader. I gave him to a young man when I was 22 so that I could go to college because I knew I was not being fair knowing that I would not be around to give him the attention and love he deserved.

I just got back Elvis about two months ago when I found out that the young boy I gave him to, gave up his love for reptiles for girls( young teen) which I completly understand. However, because of his actions he has already lost two other reptiles and I cannot or would not take that risk. When I got him home I immedialty put him back  on calcium and gave him double of what they were giving (Elvis was D3 deficient, and nutrient deficient and needed immediate care)I noticed last month also that he was gradually limiting the amount of use in his back legs. Then within two days, no movement. I took him to the vet and they did a scan and found a growth on his spine close to his hips. No, not a tumor, cancer, they have no idea nore have seen this. They sent the scan to the Radiology department and they can't define it aswell. I was givin pain meds for him and started immediatly, its been two months and no improvement, more of another issue. He is now flipping over at least twice a day. My mother found him gasping for air and pail white. This has been going on for weeks and I am so scared that I am doing him wrong and not giving him quality of life.

Overall, Elvis has a growth on his lower spine, legs twich frequently, apetite is normal, calcium bath and calcium dipped worms. UV lamp plus heat lamp, Fresh water everyday plus fresh fruit and veggies. I also take him out as much as I can to give him natural D3 light. I need to know if I am keeping him for my own benefit, I love my little man so much but I don't know if he is in pain and I don't know what to do. I am not home enough to protect him but I don't want him to suffer ( I can't tell). Please tell me what you think is best for my Elvis. I did get a second opinion and the doc said it was time but I am not certain.Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Hi Liz,
I am so sorry to hear that your poor boy has developed health problems.
I am a firm believer that animals tell us when it is time.. and it won't be a day to early or a day to late. The fact he is eating is a good that also says he isn't ready yet. If he was in pain he most likely wouldn't want to eat or be bothered in any way.
You are doing everything right for him..I'm not sure if reptiles can be given steroids which may reduce any swelling that may be in his spine.. almost sounds like a bulging disk for lack of a better term..You might want to ask a vet about using steroids..
You don't mention his age...but beardies generally have a life span of less than 10 yrs..but some are surpassing that..As long as he is eating and going to the bathroom, he isn't ready to leave you.
You will know when the time comes..and it won't be a day to early or a day to late...