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agressive beardy

22 14:03:14

Until recently our beardy has been very docile, letting us handle him without any signs of aggression.  Recently my kids have been putting him on the floor to roam around and stretch his legs, however when we go to pick him back up, he opens his mouth towards us like he wants to bite us and puffs up his body. Lately, when we pet him while he is in his aquarium, he puffs up his body and makes sudden jerk movements.  Why is this?  Do I have to worry about him biting one of us?  Are some beardys aggresive? I do not know how old he is. Please help!!!!

Hi Wendi,
Its too bad you don't know his age, which, plays a very big part on how he is acting. If he is under a year or just over, he is going through teenage years and can test everyone around him to see if he can bully them.
Continue handling him so he knows he isn't going to get to be the boss. With all reptiles, there is always a chance than they will bite. They are still considered wild animals.
If he is older, he may be in the breeding mode and can act a bit of a pain.
Yes, some beardies are aggressive, but its the exception to the rule. Most beardies are social.
If you fear a bite, wearing a pair of goatskin  gloves, which are very thin may help you overcome your fear, or if he does bite, he will find that it didn't affect you as he had hoped.  If he does bite, do not pull away!!!! I know, easier said than done but its the best to show you aren't afraid of him plus, pulling away is what generally will do the damage injury wise.