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Pinkish bumps on my bearded dragon

22 13:52:03

When I searched for this on a search engine I found this question from a couple years ago :

Expert: Pam - 12/16/2007

about 2 and a half weeks ago i noticed a bump on my beardie's head. it was slightly pink. the one bump turned into 2. the bumps are right above his left eye...

My beardie has the same symptoms... a few small bumps on his head and a couple on his upper back. I thought maybe it was burns from my ceramic heat source... but I have found nothing but things about heat rocks etc. The symptoms are not that bad, they are relatively small bumps. I am worried because he seems to be very uncomfortable. He does not like me getting close to him and he is usually hand fed. I fed him some crickets last night, and he slowly picked them off. It may just be a lil cold outside his basking area. Anyways I was wondering if this person ever got back to you.

Most of the time I don't get the rest of the story.  But if your dragon is in discomfort, he needs his veterinarian.  Any swollen, painful deformation needs treatment, same as people, and I was an EMT for 10 years and treatment was essential.  Once he's treated, and he is no longer feeling bad, he will be back to being your friendly pet again.