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My 1 year old bearded dragon is not growing.

22 14:00:53


Hello, Uluru my 1 year old male bearded dragon, is not growing, he is getting 2 boxs of locusts a day, and he is very fat, but he won't grow at all.
I'm starting to think that maybe he is a Rankins Dragon.
Do you know anything I can do?

 He has all the markings of pogona vitticeps, not p. henrylawsoni.  Had you seen his parents?  He may have come from small stock.  Since I am in the US, I don't know how many locusts are in a box.  And what kind of salad does he get everyday?  How big is his enclosure?  How about his lighting set-up?  If his parents were not small, his environment and would need looking at.