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Re: water dragon

22 13:29:13


Rex the water dragon
Hi Tracie,

My water dragon keep banging his nose on the glass and side of his tank.
I have put some cardboard on the glass about a few inches up to try to stop him.
He also has a brownish nose and I have only had him for 3 weeks.
He is out of his tank every night in a run so he doesn't run off.
could you tell me why it could be his nose is brown. I can send you a picture if needs be.
I have also noticed his feet are going brown as well.


Hello Rebecca,

That coloring appears to be shedding right now.
However, I hate to have to tell you this, but, water dragons have a nickname called Nose Bangers!  They can't seem to recognize their barriers & can't see the glass very well.  So, you probably are not going to be able to get him to stop banging his nose very well.  If he continues to bang his nose it will cause severe rostral & snout damage which can turn into mouth rot eventually & deformities.   

I would suggest getting a mesh terrarium or an aquarium with a soft type of screen built into it.  Or you could make a wooden tank & enclose it with hardware cloth.  

Let me know how he is doing, & what your setup consists of such as the temperatures, lighting, etc.
