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Uromastyx health concern...emergency?

22 13:25:25

QUESTION: Lizzie is extremely bloated. We gave him a warm bath and he liked it so much, he fell asleep in it (he normally crawls out after a time). He also sems to be dragging his hind legs somewhat.(They move, and he doesn't make pain sounds, but he is not moving them normally.)Could this be from the bloating or from nails that need trimming? How does one clip Uromastyx nails? They are rather long.
 The most worisome thing for me is that this evening I found him upside down on his back in his tank, unable to right himself, not moving.He might've slipped off his little ramp, but this has never happened in all the years we've had him (his not being able to right himself). What can  we do? the only other symptom he has is that when my son touches his back left leg, just above the joint, he tries to move away. He doesn't do this with any other of his legs.We are very worried about our little friend and love him dearly.

ANSWER: Holly, my first instinct is that this maybe a vitamin deficiency which can usually be treated easily. The other thing though is it could be a spinal injury which is worst case scenario. That being said I would highly recommend that he see a qualified reptile vet which I can help you find in your area if you'd like. As far as bloating is concerned has there been normal bowel movements? if not he may be impacted which again would be another issue for the vet to resolve. I know I am not providing a lot of ways to help but the vet is honestly your best answer as they will have the resources to test for various ailments that I cannot over the internet. For further information on the care of Uro's you may find my article on Uromastyx useful at our site as well as looking at our library there where I have available my book on Uromastyx species.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Lizzie is extremely bloated today; have to rub his tummy every few minutes to help expel the gas(he belches.) Xrays do not indicate any break or bone fractures, stones or blockages. Would they pick up metabolic disease? What other things could cause this horrible bloating.?At this point he is not eating. We are trying to give him the 2ml of mineral oil and 1.5ml of batryl via oral syringe, but he clamps his mouth tight.  Can't force it  open to even give him calcium diluted in water.
We replaced Lizzie's  UVB lamp yesterday; his old one was overdue by two months.We get him Exo Terra 10.0 for desert lizards.
He's not using his back legs at all now. The vet thought this was due to his bloating. It's like he's trading water. Poor guy is so uncomfortable.

I'm not dismissing you but the fact of the matter is this is beyond my personal expertise so that being said. I would highly recommend that you contact Troy Jones at or Dr.Douglas Dix at as both of these gentlemen are instrumental in the captiv care of Uromastyx species and will no doubt be able to assist you far better than I'm currently able to.