Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Leopard Gecko is sick.

Leopard Gecko is sick.

22 14:38:34

Hi Tracie,

I bought a baby albino leopard gecko in November of 2007. The pet store told me she was about 4 months old. I started off trying to feed it crickets, but she seemed to be mostly annoyed with them so I made a full switch to mealworms.  My gecko seemed to like this switch and ate them whenever she pleased.

That last couple of weeks, however, she has been acting a little different.  Defecation seems to be normal, but her tail seems to have gotten smaller and now her eyes look puffy and slimey.  Also, she doesn't seem to have gotten any bigger from the time that I bought her!  All that has changed is the colour of her skin.  From a white to a little bit yellow.

There hasn't been really any change in how I've housed her or treated her at all.  I always keep things as sanitary as possible and never handle her or her food with out washing up first.  It seems like all the sudden she just got sick and I have no idea what to do.

Can I try to hand feed her fruit or anything else nutritious?

Thank you,

Hello Stefanie,
Hm, what type of heating are you using?  Are you using an undertank heater & a basking area or a ceramic heat emitter?  
So she is not eating much if anything at all?  
I would immediately start using chicken or turkey babyfood along with calcium mixed in with it using a syringe (plastic with no needle) that you can get from the drugstore.
It sounds like her temps may not be optimal & she could have a respiratory infection.
What type of substrate are you using currently?
How do her urates look are they white or disolored?  
Can you send me a picture of her at:

Start with 1-2 cc's or ml's daily for her to help with nutrition.  
Let me know how she is doing.
