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Green Anole Possible Eye Infection

22 11:50:09

I have a green anole, about a year old, male (to the best of my knowledge).
He's been fine, he is in a ten gallon tank alone, is fed gut loaded crickets and the occasional wax worm, is provided with water sprayed frequently, and has a UV light, as well as climbing/hiding areas.
Lately, he has been a dark brown, out of fear he was sick, I took him out to look at him.
One of his eyes is completely normal (small and black with a very thin dark brown iris).
The other eye looks swollen, and is completely a grey-white color,  no pupil whatsoever.
I'm very worried he has an eye infection, though I cannot find the cause or more information on it anywhere. I've searched information, but the eye is not red or closed, it's completely white and swollen.
Thank you very much for your help.

I would say he probably does have an infection of some sort. The best thing you can do for him is get him to vet asap, infections in the head can be very dangerous and can travel to the brain quickly. Without seeing him I cannot be 100% sure of this but I would really suggest a vet visit.
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful,