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red eye tree frog

22 13:25:58

my red eye frog has what it looks to be blood spots on its toes don't now what its from. i just had two frogs die with out notice i don't want to lose another

Hi Matt,

My first guess would be petechiae which are the result of broken blood vessels near the skin surface. Unfortunately, this can one be one of the symptoms of septicemia in frogs (an infection of the blood). It is also known by the term "red leg" due to the overall redness that these broken blood vessels give the skin, usually on the undersides of the legs where the skin is often white in frogs. It can also manifest as open lesions. It can have a number of potential cause and is often stress related. Handling frogs is another potential cause as the salts and oils on human hands breaks down the protective mucous layer on their skin which leaves them open to infection. Improper temperature, toxins such as untreated, chlorinated water and basically anything that causes stress (which lowers their immune system) can make them vulnerable.

It can kill quickly as you sadly discovered and finding a vet to treat him systemically is your best option. Unfortunately finding a vet that will treat amphibians is not always easy. The site linked has some excellent information on setting up a sterile hospital cage and drug treatment options and dosages that might help you and that you can show to a reluctant vet.  
Check the section on Red-leg.
Tetracycline soaks can be helpful and you can often buy tetracycline (call oxytetracycline in the link) over the counter as a fish medication. There is a dosage of 100mg per litre of water given in the link. Best of luck.