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Bearded Dragons tail fell off

22 11:53:28

My bearded dragon is about 9 months old and a few weeks ago it looked like his tail had been injured and it fell off, it appeared to be healed over but the other day another small section came off and it is an open wound and there was a little bit of blood. I cleaned the sand out of it, and removed the sand from his tank and replaced it with paper towel. He has an appointment with the vet tomorrow. I was curious if there was anything I can do immediately to prevent infection.

Thank you,

Hi Bryanna,
Wow, you have already done a great job with what you have done!!!  Do be sure to find what your dragon may have injured his tail.
Great on the vet appointment also!
For now, you can wash it with some diluted betadine.  (using generic brand is fine) You want to dilute it to be the color of weak tea.  You can also apply some bacitracin or neosporin ointment.  Do not use anything that would also contain the pain medication in though. The vet may prescribe an oral antibiotic and some silvadine ointment for the injury.  He MAY also remove a bit of the tail so that it is into good tissue of the tail.