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spots on gekko vittatus

22 11:47:28

Spots foto
Spots foto  
Hello, I have recently noticed that my gekko vittatus are developing MBD so I have increased the vitamin dose that I give to them. A week later I saw these spots on one of them. Could it be from vitamin overdose?

I'm afraid I'm not certain what spots you're talking about... I don't really see spots, in the photo.  In any case, if it's a multi-vitamin you're administering, using it just once per week should be sufficient.  Use a calcium dust containing vitamin D3 the rest of the time.  If you think they're actually developing hypocalcemia (believe it or not, the term 'metabolic bone disease' has been retired, and it's now called 'secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism'... I guess the first one wasn't long enough, lol), adding a UVB light would be one of the best things you can do, as well.

You definitely want to avoid overdosing vitamins, as that can cause serious health problems.  The only vitamin involved in calcium metabolism issues is vitamin D3.  Nocturnal geckos should be able to be maintained without a UVB light, if they're given sufficient calcium/D3 supplements, and it's usually not even necessary to supplement D3 at every feeding- plain calcium can be used. Some folks use calcium + D3 just once a week, too, but if they are showing signs of poor bone density, using it every time would be best).  All insects fed should be dusted with calcium powder.  Crickets and mealworms are both very high in phosphorus, which is why they need to be dusted - calcium/phosphorus ratios in food should be 2:1. If phosphorus is too high, calcium deficiency can develop.  These insects are used as feeders because they're easy to breed and readily accepted.  Insects with better nutrient profiles include silkworms (silk moth larvae) and phoenix worms (soldier fly larvae).  Crickets, however, are fine if gut-loaded and dusted before feeding).

Were your geckos captive-bred?  If not, and they're showing signs of failing health, I would recommend having a fecal exam done to check for internal parasites.  Those can build to lethal levels in a captive situation as well. Having a vet checkup is the wisest course of action if you believe your reptiles are ill.