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Leopard Gecko Eating

22 13:51:51

I have a male leo who is 4 months old. He has been fed crickets only by his previous owner. I had some major health issues with him so I took him to the vet and come to find out he wasn't eating the crickets properly somehow and pieces of the crickets were getting stuck in his throat.

My vet suggested switching him to mealworms as a staple. I have fed mealworms as a staple to my previous gecko and he did extremely well on them he lived 23 years.

But I cannot get this one to eat them at all he will lick them and then walk away.

So any tips on how to get him to eat mealworms?

Hello Stryker,

WOW you had a gecko that lived 23 years?  That is impressive.  
Mealworms are fine as a staple & you could also use phoenix worms or butterworms as well.  Crickets are fine, are they possibly too large for him?
Though, if the crickets are not working for him then maybe you should change it up for awhile.

Maybe you could try getting some chicken or turkey babyfood & give to him with a plastic syringe or dropper to help his appetite a little bit.
