Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > nebulizer


22 13:57:22

How would I go about treating dragons with the nebulizer?  Do I put some medication in the nebulizer?  I've never used one before.  The one you suggest from sounds good.  
Most of the dragons seem to be doing good.  I'm afraid I'm going to loose the first dragon who got sick though.
Thank you.

Hello Gloria,

You basically put the medication in the little nebulizer cup, & I will give you mixing instructions for the medication.  That one is just a nebulizer with a compressor so you will need to get a little plastic tank or something that seals air tight.  Then, once you get the nebulizer with the air hose, etc, you can drill a small hole in the side of it & rig it up to where the tubing will go through the hole.  Then, seal the hole on the tank where the tube goes through to make an air tight seal so the treatment will be effective.  The device comes with a hose, but it is for humans so there are mouth pieces, etc, but you can get some other tube or hose to fit on the end of it.  You wont want to try & put a mouthpiece over your dragon's mouth or head, imagine that!  :-))
Does that make sense?  
Unless you want to buy the more expensive one from petiatric for $160 then you will have to rig up a tank to use the hose, & nebulizer.  
