Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Gecko/Lizard at our office

Gecko/Lizard at our office

22 14:00:34

Little Guy
Little Guy  
QUESTION: We have been seeing a small little green guy which I have determined is probably a green anole on the trees and bushes just outside our office. We often see it even perched on the windows and have enjoyed watching the little red pouch on his neck.
But we also have found a tiny little brownish/gray one that is only about 2" long and has not gotten any bigger.  I attempted to take a picture of it with my camera as closely as possible since from any distance you can't see it.  I have attached a picture.  We only want to know what it is. We have found it inside our office several times and we just get something like a piece of paper and take it back out. Can you identify it??

ANSWER:   Unfortunately, the picture is too fuzzy to identify it exactly, and if it is a native species, telling me where you are would have helped.  From the toes, I rule out gecko, but if you are in the southeast, it could be some kind of anole, the head shape is indistinct.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I didn't think about including where we are. These little guys are in Norcross GA just north east of Atlanta. The next time I find it, I will try to get a better picture.  Thanks for you help.

 Well, you have a variety of natives and lizards that may have migrated from Florida,  also Georgia is still warm enough that escaped pets could survive and breed in the wild.  Just makes a clear picture all the more important.  If it is not a native, or if it is the offspring of an escaped exotic, better not to put it outside and call your nearest herpetological society to pick it up to lessen the impact of a possible invasive on native Georgia species.