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Leo Gecko trouble again..

22 14:29:42


Yoshi's Problem
Hi Tracie!

I asked you about my leopard gecko's eating problems a while ago, and I am happy to say that he has started eating.  It probably was stress.  However I now have a new problem.  I'll give you all of his info before I tell you his problem so you wont have to ask a whole bunch of questions.

Hi, Yexalen

Yoshi is a juvenile Albino Leopard Gecko.  I got him about a month ago. He lives in a 10 gallon tank with an underbelly heater on the hot side of the tank, as well as a red basking lamp during the daytime.  He eats about three crickets every two or three days, and he defecates regularly.  He always has water, and also has a shelter in the middle of the tank, as well as a humid hideout on the warm side. The temperature on the warm side is usually around 86 degrees, cool side 76.  He has not shed since I got him, but this is not what is worrying me.

About an hour ago I came into my room to clean Yoshi's cage, as I have been gone for about 3 days (my sister cared for him in my absence) and I noticed that he was acting odd.  He was in his humid hide, his usual hangout, but it looked like he was trying to defecate, because it looked like some was already half out.  He has always done his business in one certain spot, and this was definitely not it. So I watched him and I saw that he was moving around and lifting his back legs up one at a time, like he was pushing. After a few minutes of him walking around the cage and nothing happening with his bowels, I got worried because he looked uncomfortable.  At one point he reached around and started licking it. (ew.) I decided to try to help him out, so I got a paper towel and coaxed him onto it and lifted him up so I could see the problem, but it honestly doesnt look like poo.  It looks like a sac filled with liquid maybe?  Also it looked like there were veins, but I cant be sure.  I freaked out because I dont know if its poo or some organ! I dont want to try to get it off in case it's the latter.  I attatched a picture of what it looks like.  I cant take him to the vet because it is saturday, and I dont know if it is serious enough to make an emergency visit.  It may just be a big poo, I dont know! Right now it is about 10:34 pm, so he should be alert, but he is just laying on the cool side with whatever it is hanging halfway out of him.  I dont know what to do!


Hello Kayleigh,

OH NO!  Sorry to see that picture.  He has a prolapse.  This warrants a vet visit.  :-((
What you need to now, is to get 2 tablespoons of sugar, dissolve that in warm water, then add some cool water.  Soak him in that solution for awhile to see if you can get the swelling down.  Then use some aloe vera gel or ky jelly to put on that area to keep it from getting dried out.
Make sure he is on a towel or something so it doesn't get dirty.
Gosh that is awful.  Unfortunately, things that cause this are calcium problems, inbreeding, impaction, etc.
Please let me know how he is doing.
