Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leopard gecko health problem

leopard gecko health problem

22 14:10:19

QUESTION: my leo has something coming out of her rear end that is rather odd is about a 1/4 inch long,red and tube wife saw her chewing on it,maybe trying to pull it out?I went to feed her before i saw it and she wont eat at all.I'm scared that this is a serious problem,it looks bad to me.please help!!!

ANSWER: Hello Mike,

That would be a prolapse!!  
Get some sugar, about 1-2 tablespoons & dissolve that in warm water, then add some cool water.  Soak her in the sugar water for awhile, then take her out & put some aloe vera gel or some ky jelly on that area.  
She will need to get to the vets.  That area will likely become necrotic as it dries out.  It could be a rectal prolapse, or a colon prolapse, it is hard to know without seeing it.  

Do you have sand as a substrate?  They normally only prolapse if they have to strain when going to the bathroom.  

Let me know how she is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hello I'm really worried because while waiting for the reply the prolapse dried out and after you said its probably a prolapse i did further research and discovered that if it is indeed a prolapse it has to be surgically put back where do i go from here?i soaked her in sugar water and put aloe on it but it was already dried out by the time i got a response,does this mean that it is now unable to be remedied?i would really be upset to lose my gecko,I've had her for 5 years.anything you can suggest would be greatly appreciated.thank you

Hello Mike,

The only other thing you can do is take her to the vet & they will have to amputate that necrotic area for her to have a chance.  That is the only remedy for her now.  It does need to be taken care of as soon as possible for her to have the best chance.
Is she eating?
Keep me posted on her.
