Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Chinese Bearded Dragon

Chinese Bearded Dragon

22 13:26:28

QUESTION: Today my boyfriend and I bought a bearded dragon from a pet store.  We have an awesome set up for him, and he seems to wander around and hang out just fine.  I have noticed that he keeps his right leg tucked up under his side and doesn't use it or put any weight on it.  What could be wrong with him?

ANSWER: Hello Jessie,

Could you review your tank setup for me?
What type & brand of UVB are you using, a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
How close is the light to your dragon?  
He may have injured it in the petstore possibly.  Do you know if he was under any type of UVB lighting at the store?   
Are you planning on using calcium supplementation for him?
How old is he?

Maybe you could post some pictures of him for me, as well?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi thanks for the responce. He's actually a water dragon not a bearded sorry. He has a fluorescent  light and a basking light. He can get pretty close to the fluorescent  light but probably only 14 inches to basking light. Im not sure what type of setup the pet store had

Hello Jessie,

Oh ok!  
Which brand of fluorescent tube bulb does he have?  This is important as most of the lights are not very good at all.
What are you taking the temperatures with, a stick on type of thermometer, a digital probe or a temp gun?  Do you know what the temperatures are currently?
What is the humidity in the tank?
How often do you supplement with calcium?  What foods do you feed him?
