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Will it be harmful?

22 14:42:56

My Bearded Dragon just ate a lady bug that somehow got into his cage? He's a juvenile and I'm really concerned for him, he seems fine now though he's on the look out for more flying food.

Hi Tansy, I don't think you need to be concerned. The toxins that some species secrete make them distasteful to some animals but not deadly. I wouldn't collect ladybugs to purposely feed but the occasional one that lands in the enclosure is fine. This topic is raised fairly regularly as ladybugs tend to show up in houses and end up being eaten (or fed to) many species of pet lizards. I have never heard of any reports of illness or fatality.

Just in case you don't already know, the one insect that you must absolutely avoid having your bearded consume is the firefly. They are quite toxic to beardeds with only one being potentially fatal.