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sons sick Bahama Lizard!

22 14:42:56

My son has a Bahama Lizard (gecko?) he will have had him since March 24th 2007, we are not exactly sure how old he is.  He is kept in a 10 galon tank with heat pad at the bottom and a light on him during daytime hours.  We feed him every day about 4 mini meal worms.  We also mist him several times a day and keep water in a shallow dish.  His diet is not consistent.  He eats a lot then will stop eating for several days.  Right now you can see his ribs and spine.  He is also keeping his mouth open? and bubbles are coming out of his mouth.  This has started happening recently within the week.  I am not aware of any reptile vets in my area.  Any suggestions?  My son is upset over the fact of something happening to him.  Thanks for your time.

Donna,                                                       Do you have a thermometer in his tank. He should be about 98 degrees during the day and about 70 at night. Pick him up and listen to him breathe this can be caused by a respiratory infection. If you here a wheeze this is probably what it is. I would check for a vet. You are probably going to need an antibiotic , unfortunately I know of none you can get with out a vet. Good Luck , Tina