Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > North African Spiny Tailed Agama

North African Spiny Tailed Agama

22 13:27:43

QUESTION: I have a 4 year old North African Spiny-Tailed Agama who has a lump under his neck.  My mom is a vet and we have aspirated the lump with a needle several times and it appears to be filled with a lot of liquid that, after we drain it, refills in a matter of days. The lizard does not seem to be in pain but is in some discomfort.  He is still very active, is eating normally, and has not lost weight. I searched this website and someone else has asked a question about a very similar case. Here is the link: My mom does not usually see reptiles and isn't sure what this could be. I was wondering if you had any advice. Thanks.

ANSWER: Hello Matt,

Has your mom sent the fluid into the lab for analysis?  That would be my first suggestion, to determine if there is infection or not.
Was the liquid clear, or yellowish in color?
It could be a cyst, an abscess or a tumor.  
Is it soft, or hard in nature?

What type of lighting are you using for him?  Do you use a UVB light & if so, what type & brand do you use?  A fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
How often do you give calcium to him?
What is his diet like?

Let me know how he is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The liquid was mostly blood and my mom sent it into the lab. The results said that the lump could be a hematoma or a vascular tumor. We use four light bulbs for the lizard: a 150 watt basking spotlight, 150 watt red night light, a UV tube bulb, and a second basking light. His diet is usually kale, peas, corn, dandelion greens, carrots, lima beans, and different fruits.

The lump was getting bigger so we drained it again but there wasn't as much blood in it as before. Also, is there any way I could contact the person who asked about a very similar situation in the link I posted in my previous question? Their lizard seemed to have the exact same problem as mine does. Thanks.

Hello Matt,

Ok, if it had mostly blood, a hematoma is highly probable, over a vascular tumor hopefully.
Could he have injured himself somehow?  
Which brand of UVB is it, a tube bulb, or a compact/coil bulb?  
Does he eat feeders?  Sometimes they can get a bite from a worm, that can cause an infection inside of the mouth.
I looked for any contact info, but at the moment I don't see a way to contact them.  
They never followed up so I don't know the complete outcome of their case, unfortunately.

Do you have any pictures at all of him?
