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what to do with a pregnant jackie?

22 14:53:15

I recently caught a jackie from out in the bush so i didn't know if it was pregnant or not. Today i came home and there were 4 eggs near the water bowl. What should i do with the eggs and what products will i be needing to buy to look after the eggs.
Yours Faithfully, Brittany.

Dear Brittany,
thank you for your question.
I'm not familiar with the term jackie - what exactly is it (I'm German and English is only my second language)?
For incubating herp eggs, you need either a storebought incubator or you build one yourself from an old tank. You full the tank half with water and put in a heating rod (sold for fish tanks). The eggs go into a plastic container filled with moist spaghnum moss or fine gravel. Use a brick or something as a stand for the plastic container in the incubator. Don't turn the eggs around because many herps attach themselves to the eggshell and will drown when the egg is turned, unlike bird embryoes who can turn around in the egg. You will need a lid for the incubator and a gauge for humidity and temperature, both depend on the speccies you want to raise.
I hope I was of some help to you