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pre ovulatory follicular stasis

22 14:10:25


The vet has explained to me that this is the problem my red eared slider (Scripta elegans) may be exepriencing.  The vet has taken blood tests and an x-ray and this is his diagnosis though he says that it is difficult to ascertain with any certtainty if this is the problem.  My concern is that my female RES will have to undergo surgery to remove her reproductive organs if this is the case (not a safe procedure).  I was wandering if you could shed some light on this issue and explain the potential cause for such a problem in a turtle which is kept in captivity.  Apparently she is too big for her age which would point to overfeeding, could this have caused this problem?  My concern is that i would prefer not to put her through the trauma of an operation if there is a possibility that she is just in season and getting ready to lay eggs.  Apparently the eggs have not yet formed shell and have not moved down into her uterus.  To be honest i'm not really sure how this all works and would be sooooo very grateful for any assistance.

Thank you so much.


Well based on what you've told me the eggs are "stuck."  Once she ovulates (releases the eggs), the vet could induce labor with a drug called oxytocin, but perhaps your vet doesn't feel the eggs will be ovulated.  Your vet has much more training than I do in this matter so you might want to go with his/her opinion.