Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > did my bearded drogon just lay eggs!?

did my bearded drogon just lay eggs!?

22 14:45:44

QUESTION: this morning my lizard did something i had never seen before,i think she layed eggs but im not so sure. they were as big as an eraser cap (the ones for pencils) and they were orange.i know this my sound crule but i had to throw them away because i dont know how to take care of them! did i do the right thing? is my lizard going to be ok? and if she does do that again and they are eggs, when they hatch will the dad eat them like bears do? PS there names are sticky ( the girl) and tiny ( the boy).

ANSWER: Hi Katie, If they were in fact eggs then they were not fertile so you do not need to feel guilty. Your description sounds a bit small but infertile eggs can often be small. They are also quite yellow in colour becoming orange as they dry out and shrink in size. Fertile eggs have a leathery white shell. If there were several of them and they were uniform in shape and oblong then they were likely infertile eggs.
They would need to be removed and artificially incubated in a slightly moist substrate in order to hatch. The eggs would dry out if left in the enclosure. Both Dad and Mum would likely eat the hatchlings.

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QUESTION: say if i wanted to breed them, i dont really understand artificialy incubated in a slightly moist substrate. please explain what i would have to do. ps. the mom would really eat them?! i would not expect her to eat them because when i took them out of her talk she loked sad and she was running around like crazy looking for them!

ANSWER: Hi Katie, Bearded dragons do not look after or incubate or protect their eggs in any way. In the wild they bury the eggs in a humid spot and the eggs incubate in the environment. After hatching the babies dig out and are on their own. An adult bearded would almost definitely eat a hatchling bearded but probably not the eggs. In captivity, the female is given a container of moist sand to bury the eggs in. The eggs are then removed and partially buried in a container of moist vermiculite (from gardening stores) and this container is put in an incubator set at the proper temperature. Incubators can be purchased or there are instructions on line for making one yourself.

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QUESTION: sorry to bug you again but what does fertile mean???        as you can tell im probily failing english!

Hi Katie, No problem. Fertile eggs are ones that can potentially develop into babies if they are incubated. They are the eggs that the male's sperm has successfully joined. Sometimes the mating just isn't successful and the eggs do no contain a sperm and will never develop babies. Female lizards will often lay eggs even with no male present and those eggs will not be fertile.