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I think I have an Alligator lizard

22 14:44:46

I found a lizard at my work. I was told that it is an Alligator lizard. It's about Is there a way that I can find out what type of lizard I have. We had a terrarium at my work (we used to havev a tarantula). We put the lizard in it. Should I have removed the old dirt and should there be rocks/bark in it as well? I did loosen up the dirt and removed the dead carcuses of the old crickets that the tarantulas would eat. It has been trying to burrow as well. Also have cats and I live in an apartment. Will this be a problem?

thanks for all the help, cuz I'm going to need it!!!

Hello Rosie, I don't really like to answer questions about wild caught animals and if you would like a pet lizard please try to find a captive one rather then taking this guy from his home. It puts the animal in a lot of stress and usually the wild ones will have diseases that shorten their life span. But with all of that aside if I can't change your mind about keeping it you might as well know how to care for it so he at least has a chance. First of all on how to identify the little guy.
Here is a link with tons of pictures of different kinds of Alligator lizards.
They are found a lot in the US mostly around the west coast (ie California, Oregon, and Washington State)

Its best to remove the old dirt and get some fresh soil. Or other substrate. And when it comes to substrates you should do some research on whats best for your needs and his. So I will give you some links on how to care for alligator lizards. Remember you will need a special UV light and a heating bulb and many other things.
As for cats they won't be a problem as long as you have a lock-able lid on the cage. Or at the very least have a room designated for the lizard where the cats can't get in BUT this lizard wont exaclty be able to stand up for himself against a cat so I suggest a lid of some sort. Good luck and I hope you really do decide to get a captive bred lizard other then keeping this one.

(I almost forgot about the link for the care sheets! Here you go!)