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African Fat-Tail Gecko Bloated

22 13:34:55

I have a female African Fat-Tail gecko who has been losing weight in her tail and is bloated. She eats her feeder crickets dusted with a calcium supplement sparsely now and does not have the appetite she used to. I also include calcium in her spring water now too. Temps and humidity are fine and she has a crushed walnut lizard substrate. She is about 8 years old now. Her excrement is not enough for a sample. Is there anything I could try doing to get her back to normal? She is still semi-active but not as much as she used to be. Please help!

Hello Angel,

That is great she is 8 years old.  
How long have you had her on the crushed walnut substrate?  That could be a problem, because they are notorious for eating loose substrate.  I would recommend switching out the substrate to non adhesive shelf liner, paper towels, or felt.  
The bloating could indicate an impaction, for sure, as well as parasites or worms.  
I would begin to treat for impaction.  So, get some canned pumpkin, & sugar free applesauce along with some squash baby food.  Mix all of that together, along with a drop or two of olive oil or mineral oil & syringe feed it to her daily.  I would try to get 1-2mls into her daily if possible along with some extra oral fluids too which should help move an impaction along.   
Let me know how she is doing.
