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green gecko eggs

22 13:55:47

i have a green gecko egg no other lizard i found it in a box it's in a tissue bed with feathers outside in a barbie boat what should i do?

Hi  Taylor:
    I am guessing that you looked into the boat and found where the anole had built a nest and deposited a single egg on the tissue and feathers, am I right?  If so,

Try not to touch the egg at all, if the mother decided that this spot was safe enough to lay the egg and build a nest, she knows best.   You did not say which part of the country you live in so giving you an accurate answer is hard.

I would leave it alone and wait for spring, if the weather gets really cold, place a soft folded towel on top of the nest and remove it when warm weather returns.

                                           Good luck

PS: If it does hatch, let us know what you had.