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why did she die

22 14:23:21

hi there  i wonder if you can answer me this  i had 2 bearded dragons rocky how is coming up for 2 and our wee jaws who had not got to her first birftday.  she was a great wee thing  and brought rocky on brillantaly as he got bone disese  she was healthy  and always active but on sat night i noticed  she was  quite white a lot lighter colour than usal  so i soked her with water  but had noticed she had not eaten i put it down to  her shedding but sadly when i put there lights  on yesturday  she was not moving when i tried  to move her a bit of blood trickled out her nose ..why did this  happen full family totally gutted..can you help

Hi Wendy, I'm so terribly sorry, that must have been an awful shock to everyone. Honestly, the only way to get any real insight into her cause of death is through a necropsy (animal autopsy). Even if you could e-mail all the top reptile vets in the world they could only speculate, at best, as to why she died. There are numerous health problems that are related to husbandry but these all tend to cause a gradual decline. The dragon is quite obviously sick for some time before losing the battle. We like to think that all their ailments are something that we can fix with the right light or a different vitamin.  We tend to forget that they can also have conditions like genetic heart defects, aneurysms and even cancer.

I hope you and your family can take comfort in the fact that she was healthy, active and obviously well-loved during her life and that her death was quick with little suffering, something we all wish for ourselves. Take care.