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I touched a bearded dragon and bit my nails!........and Im pregnant! HELP!

22 13:51:41

The subject pretty much explains my situation. I'm 25weeks pregnant and my partner brought bearded dragons today and i've been handling them and MAY have biten my nails once or twice, and now I've just read about salmonella and i'm panicing because I don't know 1) what are the chances that i've actually caught salmonella, and 2) what effect would it have onn my unborn child and 3) is there treatment to get rid of it before it does any harm. and finally 4) can I pass it to my partner or vice verser? Thankyou for any reply

OK, well IF you had salmonella you'd be sick.  Throwing up, feverish, chills, etc.  Your chances of catching salmonella from a reptile are less than your chances of catching it from raw chicken.  If fact, probably most of the cases of reptile born salmonella could probably be traced back to improper sanitation in the kitchen to start with.  If you get sick go to the doctor, I can't speak to treatment as I am not a doctor.  In the future, WASH YOUR HANDS frequently and correctly.  Most reptiles do NOT have salmonella, they can get it, but most do not have it.

Also, you know that you can't be around cat feces at all correct?  That parasite is much more common, and it can harm the baby.  Have the partner deal with the litter box until after the baby is born.