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My leopard gecko is sick.

22 14:29:27

My leopard gecko is sitting by her water bowl all day, (I've had her for almost 7 yrs + she doesn't usually do that, she's usually under her rock), Her stomach seams really swollen, closing her left eye a bit, and she's just ignoring her crickets,-not even looking at them- Do you know what's wrong? And is there anything I can do about it?

Hello Emma,

Wow, 7 years is pretty good.  
Yeah laying in the water is not normal.  :-((
When was the last time that she ate?  The swelling of the abdomen could be several things from kidney problems, liver disease, obstruction such as impaction from something, septicemia possibly.  
If you can get her to a vet, I would request an x-ray, a fecal, & bloodwork if possible.  Really, the minimal I would do would be bloodwork & a fecal.  If you don't feel that it is impaction, then you could rule out the x-ray to save money.
Does she excrete urates on a normal basis?  Are they white or discolored?
I would try to get her in soon though as the swelling concerns me.  Please let me know how things go.  
If you need help in finding a herp vet, try:
