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Adult Beardies weird growth

22 13:24:29

Hello, I have an adult beardie. I noticed these strange bumps on the back of his hind legs. After researching a little, I came across many threads that mentioned femoral pores, so I dismissed it. However recently, the same growths have appeared again, but this time, they are protruding from his body now. They seem soft to the touch and look like white spikes. My beardie's diet remains the same. He is pretty active and his poop still looks normal. Other than these things sticking out from his back legs, everything seems fine. I'm just worried that if I don't figure out exactly what they may be, I might risk his health if they continue to grow. Thanks for reading this. I look forward to the answer.

Hello Stephanie,

Can you post some pictures of these bumps for me?  
It sounds like the waxy substance which fills the pores has built up which does happen.  
They are of no risk or danger to his health though.  You can gently pull them out if they appear to be bothering him at all.  
