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Releasing a red ear slider

22 13:59:47

Mick, We have a red eared slider that keeps ending up in our pool. I think he came from a farmers watering hole near our house. The problem is, they are building a highway though there now. Can we take him to any other water source without him trying to come back. I know the pool water can't be good for him. Thanks.

I have received more than a few reports of turtles getting into people's pools. Is it a salt chlorination system? Just curious.

Please send a picture to my email.

I want to make for sure it's a RES before I tell you to let it go. Typically, water turtles can be released into other water sources when they are young, but there are many factors to consider, such as nearby roads, drain/overflow and pump systems where they may get caught and die ( such as in city and residential park ponds ). Get back to me with a pic.