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22 14:25:41

Hello Sandra,
I've got a small trio of Crested Geckos (2 female, one male) who seem to be ignoring their mix of food in favor of calcium dusted crickets. I was alternating back and forth between the two but it seems the food is being ignored and the geckos are looking at me like, Where's the Crickets?? The food consists of peach baby food with the Repashy Crested Gecko Diet mixed in and the crickets are dusted with cuttlebone. I was thinking of dusting the crickets in the Repashy and skipping the dish altogether... what do you think?

Also, I'd like to join your lizard forum group and requested but don't think I ever got confirmation...? Once again, thank you so much for all of your help!

Hi Angelo

It's nice to hear from you again
If your Cresteds are of a good weight-skip the crickets and just offer the CGD for a few weeks
Then resume feeding crickets once per week and see if that makes a difference

I have always fed crix to my small collection of Cresteds and to the rest of my Rhacs(Leachies-and Gargoyles) and they have always still eagerly eaten the CGD

The Repashy diet(CGD-which is also sold as T-Rex Crested Gecko Food in the pet stores)) is a complete diet and it is actually not encouraged to be mixed with baby food but many people do and have had np's with their Crested Geckos health

You might want to try using mango or papaya stage one baby food
Maybe they would like a switch in flavors?
Also you can mix in fresh ripe mashed bananas or other fruits-just stay away from citrus

As for my little group-please go back and resubmit a member request and I will keep my eyes open for it
Due to spam-I have the group moderated approved for apps.
Hope to see you there soon

Here is the addy again

Take care

Sandy aka LadyGecko