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Young Water Dragon

22 14:27:57

I've just got a young water dragon today and i believe its only a few months old, its just arrived today and its tank has been moved about quite a bit. Its now in its tank in my room and it hasn't moved from the same spot (at the top of a piece of bark) for quite a few hours. Its opened its eyes and looked around but then just gone back to sleep again. I have 2 cats which sleep in my room but I've made sure they haven't bothered it. Is this natural for a young water dragon? I'm new to looking after them and i just want to make sure its okay.

Hello Carly, it is normal for them to act this way for up to a week. Sometimes they wont even eat for a week. He is probably only stressed because of the move and all the new things going on around him. He isn't sure if you are friend or enemy yet and is being cautious. Give him some time to relax and get settled, he should come around.

Good luck