Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my pet will not eat

my pet will not eat

22 11:50:18

QUESTION: ok so i have captured a 2.5 inch long baby alligator lizard in my house and now currently trying to keep it as my pet and all it wants to eat is spiders. ive tried feeding it flies,blood worms from a reptile store, and a couple of small spiders. it only ate the spiders and if thats the case im finding it very tedious to try and find a spider for it please help me try to get her to eat because i do not want her to die.

ANSWER: Hello Donovan,

Do you have any pictures of your alligator lizard?   
What type of setup do you have for her?  What are the temperatures in the tank & how do you measure the temperatures?
She will need a basking spot of around 95-105 or so, with a cooler end of 78-82.  Are you using a UVB light too?  
Also, she is probably going through some stress of being captured into a new home, too.  
How big is the tank?
You can try crickets also, she might like them.  That would be easier than spiders.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

name- inca
name- inca  

QUESTION: this is what she looks like..quite small, but ya the tank i have for it is roughly a 25 to 35 gallon tank with nice live foliage and adequate day lighting and a secondary switch timer at 7pm to black light uvb. temperature reader is on the side panel of the cage. the dimensions: 5' feet long by 6' feet high by 24 " inches deep and i did try crickets but they seem to be big for her

Hello Donovan,

Inca is very cute.  She will grow but it will take some time.  
Make sure the basking temperatures are no higher than 100-105, probably on the lower end around 100 as they are smaller reptiles.
Which UVB are you using now?  I recommend using the Reptisun 10 tube bulb or the Arcadia D3 12% tube UVB, either one.  
The tank size is good & the inside of it looks great also, she should love that!
The crickets will need to be smaller than the space between the eyes.  You can order crickets from online for better prices than the pet stores.

How is she doing today?

Let me know how things are going.
