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Male bearded Dragon

22 13:32:20

I have a male and Female Beard Dragon. They are both in seprate cages. Before I got the female my mail was very healthy and eatting alot. But now I cant get him to eat but only 2 waxworms a day sometime not anything at all. They saw each other. I cover them up hopeing that they will forget each other. But the male is loosing a lot of weight. Im worried for his health. I had him on Caloric Supplement abd Appetite Stimulant. It not working can you please help us Thank You Susan

Hey Susan, OK first of all let me make sure I understand.  From what you have said it would seem that the enclosures are close together.  If that is the case and the heating and lighting elements are being met it could very well be that the male is breeding mode due to the season and not interested in eating at this time which wouldn't surprise me in the least.  I would first of all recommend that you double check the heating and lighting parameters to make sure this is not the cause.  For more information on this you can visit my site which is for a full series of posts start with

After reading the above if your still not satisfied feel free to contact me again.  Depending on how long this has been going on and the age of the dragon in question there a few things to be considered but I would start with the lighting and heating as these are the most likely culprits.