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what to feed 8 month bearded dragons

22 14:23:10

Hi,  i was told not to feed bearded dragons  pinkies from one person,then another said ok,? which is it?  also, i read that they can eat earthworms also. are they ok?

 If you live in the Northern Hemisphere and especially bought your beardie is a pet store, then baby beardies should be fed a well minced salad of collard (spring)greens, turnip tops, dandelion greens, and mustard greens in the morning and misted during the day to entice the baby to nibble at it, and two to three servings of crickets that are no bigger than the space between his eyes.  A serving is as many crickets as he will eat in ten minutes.  Other live prey for babies can be small silkworms, small hornworms, and phoenix worms.  Older beardies add grated or peelings of winter squashes, and they can have larger versions of the above, locusts (UK), butterworms, and farm raised roaches.  The dragons in the US have been line bred and inbred, genetically they are weaker than their Australian cousins.  They also do not get the exercise they would have in the wild, so high fat prey will eventually take a toll on a beardie's liver, so do not feed mice in any form. Pinkies are just too fatty and hard to digest.