Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bullfrog tadpoles

bullfrog tadpoles

22 13:32:13

i just recently went to the fair and won a bullfrog tadpole. i have had a verioty of pets but never frogs. right now he is in a small about 1 gallon tank. i have no clue what to do with him but i would love to keep him. pleas help me.

Hello Samantha,

Well, I have never had a frog before.  :-))  Not that I don't like them, I just haven't had the opportunity to have one I suppose.
Do you have a picture of him?  How small is he?
Do you have a little pond or large water dish for him, that is heated to around 78-80 for his comfort?
You will need a digital probe or temp gun to measure his environment so he doesn't get too hot or too cold.  
What do you plan on feeding him?  
What other type of decor & plants, etc, do you have in the tank for him?
